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Transaction Number
This is a seven digit number located at the top of your ticket right between the Table Number and the date and time. It looks like this:
Were you greeted promptly and cheerfully when you entered the restaurant?
(please check all that apply)
Yes, I was greeted promptly.
No, it took a while to be greeted.
Yes, the person who greeted me was friendly and cheerful.
No, the person who greeted me was not friendly and cheerful.
Did you feel your server (or bartender) was friendly, attentive, and knowledgeable about the menu?
(please check all that apply)
Yes, my server was friendly.
No, my server was not friendly.
Yes, my server was attentive.
No, my server was not attentive.
Yes, my server was knowledgeable about the menu.
No, my server was not knowledgeable about the menu.
If you ordered alcohol, was your server (or bartender) helpful and knowledgeable about the drink menu?
(please check all that apply)
Yes, my server was helpful with the drink menu.
No, my server was not helpful with the drink menu.
Yes, my server was knowledgeable about the drink menu.
No, my server was not knowledgeable about the drink menu.
How did you feel about the time it took for the following:
Extremely Long
Pretty Long
About Right
Pretty Fast
Extremely Fast
To be greeted and seated:
Extremely Long
Pretty Long
About Right
Pretty Fast
Extremely Fast
For the server to arrive at the table:
Extremely Long
Pretty Long
About Right
Pretty Fast
Extremely Fast
For the drinks to arrive at the table:
Extremely Long
Pretty Long
About Right
Pretty Fast
Extremely Fast
For the meal to arrive at the table:
Extremely Long
Pretty Long
About Right
Pretty Fast
Extremely Fast
For the check to be presented and processed:
Extremely Long
Pretty Long
About Right
Pretty Fast
Extremely Fast
Tell us about your meal.
(please check all that apply)
I was pleased with the menu variety.
I was not pleased with the menu variety.
My meal was prepared as I ordered it.
My meal was not prepared as I ordered it.
I enjoyed my meal.
I did not enjoy my meal.
Would you like to tell us anything else about your meal?
Did a manager stop by your table and ask about your visit?
Yes, a manager or owner asked about our visit.
No, a manager or owner did not ask about our visit.
If you had any issues during your visit, did you feel they were resolved to your satisfaction before you left?
I did not have any issues during my visit.
I had a problem, but it was resolved.
I had a problem, and it was not resolved.
Would you like to tell us more about the issues you experienced?
Would you like to tell us more about the issues you experienced?
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, how would you rate your overall visit to Timberwood Grill?
10 - Spectacular
7 - Good
4 - Mediocre
1 - Awful
How often do you visit Timberwood Grill?
More than once a week.
About once a week.
About once a month.
Less than once a month.
It was my first visit.
Do you think you'll come back?
Probably not
Definitely not
Do you have anything you'd like to add? Please feel free to leave additional comments here about your visit.
If you are human, leave this field blank.
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Forest Lakes
Charlottesville North
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Charlottesville South
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